Friday, January 30, 2004

so i was up til 430 trying to do my damn music homework only to find out today at 930 that it was for monday...YAY

take the dove bars out of your book bag next time, jones. such a waste

yea so my aim is fucked and wont connect...
class at 925


Thursday, January 29, 2004

smitty in all his glory

Berg of G (11:30:56 PM): hahaha ok, late to terrea de espanol, hello penguin game

-coach and broach
vAnDe1786 (10:45:48 PM):


-coach and broach
a fire alarm while im eating my fuckin sandwich, u gotta be least i wasnt in the shower...

i woke up in the middle of the night last night sooo sweaty that i had to smell it to make sure i hadnt pissed the bed. no, i did not piss the bed. but yes it was pukario.

so i went back to sleep after my morning class, no class again until 4...just to be safe i decide to set the alarm clock for 245 thinking i'll be able to do some reading before class if, of course, just as im about to get to the unbelievable sex part of the dream, that had taken a long ass time to develop, beh, beh, beh, beh, alarm. ive never been more disappointed in my life...i mean, the scenario was brilliant, all the makings of an absolutely incredible sexual encounter, and im left with nothing but shattered dreams, so to speak, not even enough motivation to get out of bed a kerk...oh sweet irony

in my attempt to be a good student for a day, i lost sight of what was really important


-a somber coach

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Bassboss4 (3:29:12 PM): any who makes a computer virus should be killed a painfull death by droping one of those big ass old computers on there head

-coach and broach
even though we didnt get the performance on friday, were still keeping our heads up. i know in a year or two, this little hump in the road will be the first obstacle that "the juice" overcame in the True Hollywood Story: THe Juice. anywho- were gonna get a couple more originals and eventually put together a demo a cd- order now cuz theres a already a backorder of 6-8 months. were just that damn sexy.

-juice bros
"If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room"
-a different mike

according to my diarreah-0-meter, the refrigerator life of an anna's burrito is not to exceed 2 days.
nuff said

apparently bill gates is up to his old tricks, trying to make you ie users buy a coachandbroach adapter-add on-upgrade-plug in-xp by only showing half the page, thus monopolizing the whole coachandbroach industry

no idea why but changing the window size (doesnt matter how) seems to fix it
maybe its because i taught that bastard everything he knows


Tuesday, January 27, 2004

so pretty much our world just got shattered. no hall snacks. no friday performance. pick me up lord for i hath fallen.

i'll see you on the top of the tallest building.

$1000 Reward for the head of:
whoever was supposed to
do hall snacks tonight...

-the juice bros
talk shit- you know american idol is not that bad...that chinese guy is to good. she bangs she bangs....

-im gonna say this was coach

-cheezy and breezy
do i smell....yup HALL SNACKS TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! woohooooooo

thankyou new england weather for officially dropping my penis size to an all-time low of -1 inch. fuck.

- babydick broach
so originally "The Juice" was gonna have its first performance this upcoming friday, but this girl shattered our dreams and said theyre was not enough room, that the show was already too long. now hold on people, before you do anything rash like plummet from the tallest building, realize there is still hope. Today, you see, i plan to find this girl and beat the shit out of her...well actually im just gonna call her crying and begging to please show some mercy and let us play. if this doesnt work, ill see you on top of the tallest building.


Monday, January 26, 2004

another horn tooter for you. goldberg mentioned this one to me and i couldnt agree more. i fuckin hate it when people say "overexaggerated." do you not realize what you are saying? its like saying you smell like shitpoop...but alot less funny.

"why dont we take a scenic drive to..uh...oh i dont know..suckface hill!"
-jt (with mullet), step by step

-that's right.
what tv show wins the lifetime achievement award? YOU KNOW its The Price is Right. anyone who has a different opinion is undoubtedly wrong.


Sunday, January 25, 2004

i think this years lifetime achievment award should go to Red Berry. ANd if he doesnt win i think it should go to the Zebra Cake.

great video passed to us by herschy

-coach and broach
in wrestling history i think its safe to say the best wrestler of all time was shawn michaels (hes not your boy toy). the best tag team of all time(not including oink and doink), im gonna say was the hart brothers, may owen rest in peace. the best bad guy of all time was definitely ted debiase, the million dollar man. please feel free to make comments if you have different, wrong opinions.

ugh very hung over but i have restored our archives
always working for the fans

long underwear are nice...theyre hilarious.

mike is a pukey puke hahahahahahhahahaha. pukario like mario...not mahrio.


Saturday, January 24, 2004

if i have a son, it won't matter to me whether he's gay or straight, as long as he isn't gay.

compliments of the smits

i think gamecube or PS2 should put out a new version of Tecmo Superbowl. Easily one of the classicestest football games ever. but this new version should have the same AMAZING graphics, along with the same genius-inspiring music. sometimes you just gotta race.

heres another thing that just toots my horn (angers me), again its a grammatical error...or more accurately, a pronunciation error but anywho: when people pronounce mario ( mahr-e-o) like mair-e-o. jesus fucking christ man, is nothing holy? im sure there will be more horn tooters soon...

-de broach

Thursday, January 22, 2004

away messages

-coach and broach
sorry all you fags out there....but clay aiken is the biggest worthlessest piece of shit asss cock in the fucking world. fuck american idol for making me have to look at him. puke.

$4 for easy cheese? EXTORTION!


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

world rps society
an incredible find by mr. billy

-coach paper broach shoot
apparently us going on vacation and "slacking on posts" so to speak single-handedly led to the downfall of blogspeak, the service responsible for the commenting system...but have no fear, some other group of nerds decided to pick up the slack, so comments are back!
as for pictures, the fucking hosting site decided to make it so u cant link to pictures if you have a free account, so all our pictures are currently in our asses until further notice


also, we will scratch your cnb-itch by posting regularly now that vacation is over

-coach and broach
it only gets better...

:( C & B

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

well just got back to my disgusting dorm room. smells like shit and hot as balls. upon opening the fridge it appears we have opened a thriving mildew farm; please call for any orders. one thing that actually suprised me though: is it actually possible for bacteria to grow on soap? fuck me, maybe i need to change brands or something.


Saturday, January 17, 2004

how fuckin hlarious are ...
god dammit i can't remember what the hell i was thinking about but i assure you it was amazing..

p.s. its -40 tonight with sever windchillage

this is now the worst dave ever..think i'll go eat something


Friday, January 16, 2004

well...down on the recent weather report for our little home read -8 degrees. yup. wow. yeah. fuck. worst....wait not worst- the worst is that with windchill it was -15. yup wow. yeah. so many fucks. worst.

-C & B
is it illegal to kidnap your girlfriend and bring her to a very cold place?


Thursday, January 15, 2004

i dont know if any of you out there were ever bathers- but how come farts smell worse in the tub? if im the only person who thinks this and will therefore be shamed for writing this personal information then...uhh... this was mike.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004

for anyone in boston or in the new england area: on january 30th (or 31st, not sure) "The Juice" is having there first performance. we will be doing a two song set-both originals-in a sold out stadium with a capacity crowd of billions...or hundreds. nevertheless its gonna be fuckin awesome and we are gonna rock exceedingly hard. we'll let you know of the exact time and date soon- plane tickets are still available and we have an awesome futon so GET THERE.

-C & B

Friday, January 09, 2004

im here sitting at work...mind a sour mood to say the least. i was just thinking about some things that really piss me off- almost to the point of face punching. one thing (this may be taken as a warning), is people who say"paper, rock, scissors." every non-dumbfuckasslover knows that its rock, paper, scissor so please, god help me, say it right. its as grammatically wrong as saying "I You Love". ass.


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Auto response from vAnDe1786 (3:18:08 AM): Scientists for Health Canada suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption, considering the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer. The theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women. To test the finding, 100 men were fed 6 pints of beer each. It was then observed that 100%of the men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn't drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, and refused to apologize when wrong. No further testing is planned.

-coach and broach