Monday, April 26, 2004

Animated Stewie appearance on TRL yesterday I think:

Host: What do you think of the big pop stars now; Britney, Christina, Jessica Simpson? Who do you think will be around?

Stewie: Well, not Jessica Simpson. I see her losing a leg to a stupidity related accident in 2005. And Britney's career is a lot like my diaper; not guarunteed past noon and full of one piece of crap after another....

Host: Hey now, Britney's a friend of us here at TRL...

Stewie: Oh, and you, what are you, 23, 25? And you're still using words like, "Cool", and "Fresh"...I'm sure your mother is gushing.

Host: I'm actually 22....

Stewie: Oh, you're practically a woman then.


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