Friday, March 11, 2005

im not sure if ive posted about this yet, but i do know that i havent made a post in about 4 years. so here goes...i spilled a shitload of water on my computer earlier last month and incapacitated the keyboard for a day. when the water covered it, i tried to frantically rip off all the keys in order to dry the circuitry underneath the keyboard and removed the following keys: 7, 8, y, u, i, g, h, j, k, n, m, b, space bar, alt, ctrl. the next day when it started working again i reattached all of the keys, except the U key which was broken in the process. and have been using a penny for a key for the past 4 weeks.

well i finally picked up some krazy glue and fixed that shizzle so no more wandering u key for me. i can hit the letter u quickly and accurately from now on...check it out....uuuuuu

oh yea and also we saw mitch hedberg tonight
hellz yea


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