Saturday, January 29, 2005

compliments of a badoo. a;sldkjfl;askd

you've heard of the holocaust- THIS is the opposite of that...amazing and a half.....36 today, 26 yesterday, 1 the day before- let me know if anyone gets that

-C & B

Friday, January 28, 2005

for all those freudians who can decipher dreams- what the fuck does this mean: last night i had a dream that i got a tatto that said "i love strawberries"
riddle me that shit


Thursday, January 27, 2005

"big ups" to blaker who is making something of himself while the rest of us are competing to see who falls down in the snow more often than the other.

we were all pleasantly surprised when we returned to school to find that the toilet paper had been significantly upgraded. in addition, purell dispensers were installed in every bathroom, which is terribly convenient. the downside, however, as ken pointed out, is that i now spend 75% of the day walking around with food and/or fecal matter on my hands, which doesn't bother me so much as other people, who arent aware that im 99.9% disinfected. so if i shake someone's hand, and they are disgusted to find that i've caused it to change color, i have to be sure to relive them. "oh don't worry, i purelled. you can be 99.9% unconcerned about that."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

they shoot, she scores

-du goldberg
so we're sitting around the table at dinner and the conversation was as follows:

mike (to our friend max): so is your name really Maxamillion?
max: no its Maxwell, actually...i thought it was just max until my Bar mitzvah invitaion said maxwell.

if you knew max, youd understand.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

little ditty here from the shankmeister general


btw we've got some good stuff on the way for u loyal readers so sit tight and eventually we WILL blow your asses off once again

Monday, January 24, 2005

me and the big brother talking about The Juice's new music thinger that we're a part of- called it allows you to view the people who have become your friends:

NateDoggsz: some real ugly girls on there
LonnieJonesBro: oh yeah
NateDoggsz: haha
LonnieJonesBro: but its like mining- you have to sift through a shitload of dirt to find the gold
NateDoggsz: im sifting right now

-the jones

ps we're gonna try and start getting back on track with the postings- sorry for all you out there who were in withdrawal for so long