Wednesday, April 14, 2004

PDiDdY54 (1:39:02 AM): yea i have a huge paper due tom

PDiDdY54 (1:39:05 AM): havent started

PDiDdY54 (1:39:07 AM): midterm

PDiDdY54 (1:39:10 AM): blegh

lil dosman (1:42:26 AM): i have a paper this week but probably not as long or important

PDiDdY54 (1:43:31 AM): yea and worse its about the bible

PDiDdY54 (1:43:37 AM): i dont know shit about the bible

lil dosman (1:43:45 AM): hah

lil dosman (1:43:59 AM): tell your teacher the bible says he should forgive you for not doing the paper

PDiDdY54 (1:44:25 AM): hahah... thats great

PDiDdY54 (1:44:28 AM): this guy is cool though

PDiDdY54 (1:44:37 AM): like i get points for fucking around

PDiDdY54 (1:45:13 AM): i got an A on my last paper just cuz it was called "What did Virgil 'Aenied' to accomplish w/ the Aeneid"


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